Episode 9 – Shubha Dasgupta

Shubha Dasgupta – Launch Your Farm – Episode 9

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Welcome back to our ninth episode of the Launch Your Farm Show where I interview Shubha Dasgupta with Capital Lending Centre and the CLC Network.

Shubha and I discuss how he went from working as an entrepreneur in the environmentally friendly packaging industry to kind of falling into the mortgage industry by chance. He had a major life changing event that totally altered his life and his business.

We jump right into how Shubha has built an incredible mortgage company using Zig Ziglar’s simple philosophy – “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”  He shares how helping real estate agents with THEIR business and building solid relationships not only strengthened his own business and allowed others to grow around him.

In this episode Shubha and I talk about:

  • How helping your preferred partner’s will ultimately grow your own business.
  • Shubha shares how he puts in systems and tools like data analytics and follow up systems into his company to give tremendous value to the real estate agents they serve and how you can use similar ideas with your mortgage professionals.
  • Why video is a MUST in your farm and how you can start doing some simple videos to gain traction. (We share some of our old videos we did when we first started and I had hair… BELOW)
  • A SUPER easy way to follow up with your clients and your farm to provide a ton of value at the same time getting more referrals.
  • Why your mortgage professionals and preferred vendors should be working alongside you in your business, not just serving your clients and how you can get them on board.
  • Plus a ton of other insights and aha’s that you can apply to your business today!!

Connect with Shuba’s CLC Network at http://www.CapitalLendingCentre.com

Or you can find Shubha Dasgupta on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook

AND…. If you want a good laugh, (I had WAY more hair back then!) or if you just want some inspiration that you don’t have to be awesome to start, check out Shubha and I’s first videos we ever created together and “The Real Estate Drive Thru”


YOUR BEST BOOK - Check out Shubha’s favorite book at the moment.
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” By Robert Kiyosaki
To get a copy you can order it here:
Canada – https://amzn.to/3k392d6
USA - https://amzn.to/2ZlfO67

Be sure to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel as well as check our website and other social channels.

Your Friend In Farming,

Ryan Smith

Launch Your Farm

Website – http://www.LaunchYourFarm.com

Facebook – http://www.Facebook.com/LaunchYourFarm

P.S. Want more help with your farm? Here are a few ways we can help

1. Trying to pick the right farm and not sure what to do? Get the Launch Your Farm Course to help walk you through the in’s and outs of choosing the right farm. You can find it at: www.TheFarmCourse.com

2. I’m putting together a small mastermind boot camp for those who are looking to build  a solid business in their farm quickly. We will be working in a small group and giving you actionable items each week to get you up and running with systes and tools ready to go. Just email me at LaunchYourFarm@gmail.com for more information.

3. Want more help than the course? I offer private coaching to help you at various steps along your farming journey. Just email me at LaunchYourFarm@gmail.com for more information.

About Shubha Dasgupta

Shubha is a positive, driven professional whose values, ethics and knowledge are an irreplaceable asset within the company. His strong education in Financial Services has provided Shubha with professional knowledge of the financial markets that in turn are able to provide his clients with an in depth understanding of all available options within this overwhelming marketplace. Shubha is a proud member in good standing of the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals (CAAMP) where he holds an AMP designation and continues his career development and education through seminars, workshops and conferences.

Shubha is an active member in the Toronto community and currently holds a chair position on the Canadian Cancer Society’s “Relay For Life” committee in partnership with the Odette Cancer Centre at Sunnybrook Hospital. Last year the event helped raise almost $500,000 to go towards the building of the new state of the art Breast Cancer Centre at Sunnybrook. In the past Shubha has been an organizer for the Law Society of Upper Canada’s “Feed the Hungry” program which has helped feed over 5,000 underprivileged Torontonian’s.

In his spare time Shubha is a devoted family man and loves nothing more that spending time and doing activities with his Wife and young Daughter. He enjoys many outdoor activities such as, golfing, hiking, swimming, fishing and boating and also likes to read up on current events and news.

If you want excellent, experienced service, make sure to contact Shubha and make him part of your home buying team!

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