Episode 102 – Grant Findlay-Shirras – Parkbench.com

Listen On The Podcast

Welcome back to our 102nd episode of the Launch Your Farm Show where I interview Grant Findlay-Shirras with Parkbench and the Become A Local Leader Podcast.

Today Grant shares how he got into the real estate marketing world, kind of by accident after working in the fitness space. Grant ended up building a marketing machine with his wife for her real estate business and quickly realized that other agents could benefit.

That led Grant to build Parkbench, which has quickly become one of the top marketing platforms for real estate agents by building a platform for hyper local content and helping agents become local leaders in their community.

In this episode Grant and I talk about:

  • Why he focused his attention on helping agents help local businesses make more money and how that translates into more transactions for the agents.
  • Grant shares how taking a community first approach can lead you to become the local leader very quickly and build relationships you never thought possible.
  • What type of content drives consumers and how you can leverage content to position you as the local expert and ambassador in your farm.
  • A SUPER easy way to add value to local businesses in your farm that helps separate you from the competition which makes it even easier to book more appointments.
  • How being a local expert can help you convert more appointments and gets buyers and sellers chasing YOU rather  than the other way around.
  • Plus a ton of other ideas that you can use to grow geographic farm!

Connect with Grant Findlay-Shirras on their site at www.Parkbench.com and be sure to find them on social media as well. You can check out their reviews online as well to find out more what other agents think about them too.

Your Best Book

Check out Grant’s favorite book at the moment.

“How To Be A Power Connector” by Judy Robinett
To get a copy you can order it here:
Canada – https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0071830731  
USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0071830731 

Be sure to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel as well as check our website and other social channels.

Your Friend In Farming,

Ryan Smith

Launch Your Farm

Website – http://www.LaunchYourFarm.com

Facebook – http://www.Facebook.com/LaunchYourFarm

P.S. Want more help with your farm? Here are a few ways we can help.

  1. The Farm Boot Camp – Join our 8 week boot camp that’s designed to get you into action quickly and efficiently in your farm. By using the unique and proven strategies we teach, you can start to generate leads and gain market share in your farm from the first week. The strategies are “Covid friendly” and can be applied in any market. At the end of the 8 weeks, you will have over 20 strategies that you can implement to dominate your farm. www.TheFarmBootcamp.com
  • Launch Your Farm Elite – Become an elite member by joining our monthly training program that’s jam packed with training, systems, tools and ongoing content to crush it in your farm. This super affordable training will help you learn the skills and strategies you need to dominate your farm and community. Whether you are already crushing it in your farm or are just looking for great insights and ideas on how to become the go to hyper-local agent in your area, then look no further.  www.LaunchYourFarmElite.com
  • 30 Day Launch – This course is designed to get your farm up and running in 30 days. Each day we release a new video with a new topic that builds off the last, plus we assign you daily homework broken down into actionable steps to get you into action. If you are ready to take action and looking to actually start your farm going, then this is the course for you! Sign up at www.TheFarmLaunch.com

About Our Guest

Grant Findlay-Shirras - Launch Your Farm

Grant Findlay-Shirras – Founder – Parkbench.com

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