Episode 38 – John Moscillo

John Moscillo – Launch Your Farm – Episode 38

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Welcome back to our 38th episode of the Launch Your Farm Show where I interview John Moscillo AKA Johnny Mo with Explore My Town.

Today, Johnny and I talk about how he built an awesome company that helps agents not only create hyper local content videos, but they do the editing, promoting, and planning for you. We dive into what agents should be doing to build trust in their farm and how you can use video to accomplish this.

In this episode Johnny and I talk about:

  • Why agents NEED to be using video in their business if they want to stay relevant.
  • Johnny shares how important it is to connect with local businesses and movers and shakers in the community.
  • What you can do to leverage the relationships you already have to turn them into opportunities to create video content for your farm.
  • A SUPER easy way to get guest on your show using this one simple script.
  • How you can turn your videos into a “media” company that can help you get paid to create content, build relationships, and give back to the community.
  • Plus a ton of other ideas that you can use to grow geographic farm!

Connect with Johnny online at John Moscillo online and check out his website at www.PartnerWithMyTown.com to see what they are up to.

YOUR BEST BOOK - Check out Johnny’s favorite book at the moment.
 “The E-Myth Revisted” by Michael  E. Gerber
 To get a copy you can order it here:
 Canada – https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0887307280  
 USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0887307280  

Be sure to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel as well as check our website and other social channels.

Your Friend In Farming,

Ryan Smith

Launch Your Farm

Website – http://www.LaunchYourFarm.com

Facebook – http://www.Facebook.com/LaunchYourFarm

P.S. Want more help with your farm? Here are a few ways we can help

  • The Farm Boot Camp – This 8 week boot camp is designed to get you into action quickly and efficiently. By using the unique and proven strategies we teach you, you can start to generate leads and gain market share in your farm. The strategies are “Covid friendly” and can be applied in any market. At the end of the 8 weeks, you will have a ton of strategies that you can implement to dominate your farm. www.TheFarmBootcamp.com
  • The Farm Course – In this course will learn the best practices and fundamentals for finding, selecting and launching your geographic farm. If you haven’t launched a farm before or already have one running but want to get a better understanding of farming then this course is for you! www.TheFarmCourse.com
  • 30 Day Launch – This course is designed to get your farm up and running in 30 days. Each day we release a new video with a new topic that builds off the last, plus we assign you daily homework broken down into actionable steps to get you into action. If you are ready to take action and looking to actually start your farm going, then this is the course for you! Sign up at www.TheFarmLaunch.com

About Our Guest

Working as a Pre Y2K networking engineer for some of the leading internet companies during the dot com era, I was exposed to high-level technology early on. This experience allowed me to carry those methods and skills over into real estate in the early 2000s.

I spent many years being a top agent because of these skills and eventually my love of technology lead me to build a small software company in 2013 called More GCI. This experience lead me to some very unique opportunities, including consulting with franchise and industry leaders, speaking at conferences, and special invite-only events.

After exiting in 2019 I realized that there was still a large void in how community-centric professionals like real estate agents, loan officers, insurance agents, etc., remain relevant to their sphere or the community and how they network.

I also saw how they were doing video wrong, or not even doing it, however with all the stats and platforms moving predominantly towards video. So, I set out to create a system and methodology that took social platforms, video and technology and transformed the way networking is done and referrals are generated.

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