Episode 74 – Michael J Maher

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Welcome back to our 74th episode of the Launch Your Farm Show where I interview Michael J Maher with ReferCo.

Today Michael shares how he built a thriving real estate business with 37 deals in his first year to over 250 deals a year in his 5th year of business by building an incredible referral machine using systems and tools.

Michael wrote the book on referrals, literally, and has taught thousands of agents how to follow his easy to follow and scalable systems and tools to generate and convert more referrals in their business and he shares some of his best tips and strategies on today’s show.

In this episode Michael and I talk about:

  • Why you need to create a solid plan to generate more referrals in your farm and how you can easily add in some of these processes right away.
  • Michael shares how you can follow a simple system using events and follow up to quickly build a name for yourself in your farm and start to generate leads quickly.
  • What type of events you should be hosting and how get more people to your events.
  • A SUPER easy way to get others to send you an abundance of referrals without being salesy and how to build stronger relationships by giving back.
  • How to leverage house warming parties to gain more trust, generate referrals and have fun while doing it.
  • Plus a ton of other ideas that you can use to grow geographic farm!

Connect with Michael J Maher by joining his Generosity Generation private Facebook Group at www.JoinGenGen.com and let them know I sent you!

And you can get 50% off Michael’s Event Mastery program using the discount code “LYF” at check out. Michael takes the group through personally how to run your own community events from start to finish and at the end of the program, you will have your own program launched!

It starts March 14th so head over to www.EventMastery.com to get registered, and save that 50% off right now!

YOUR BEST BOOK – Check out Michael’s favorite book at the moment.

“Influence” by Robert Cialdini 
To get a copy you can order it here:
Canada – https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0063136899  
USA - https://www.amazon.com/dp/0063136899  
Influence - Launch Your Farm

Be sure to like and subscribe to our Youtube Channel as well as check our website and other social channels.

Your Friend In Farming,

Ryan Smith

Launch Your Farm

Website – http://www.LaunchYourFarm.com

Facebook – http://www.Facebook.com/LaunchYourFarm

P.S. Want more help with your farm? Here are a few ways we can help

  • The Farm Boot Camp – This 8 week boot camp is designed to get you into action quickly and efficiently. By using the unique and proven strategies we teach you, you can start to generate leads and gain market share in your farm. The strategies are “Covid friendly” and can be applied in any market. At the end of the 8 weeks, you will have a ton of strategies that you can implement to dominate your farm. www.TheFarmBootcamp.com
  • The Farm Course – In this course will learn the best practices and fundamentals for finding, selecting and launching your geographic farm. If you haven’t launched a farm before or already have one running but want to get a better understanding of farming then this course is for you! www.TheFarmCourse.com
  • 30 Day Launch – This course is designed to get your farm up and running in 30 days. Each day we release a new video with a new topic that builds off the last, plus we assign you daily homework broken down into actionable steps to get you into action. If you are ready to take action and looking to actually start your farm going, then this is the course for you! Sign up at www.TheFarmLaunch.com

Michael J. Maher - Launch Your Farm

About Our Guest

A nationally-recognized speaker, he has spoken at international conferences such as KW MegaCamp, STAR POWER, RE/MAX, Realty Executives, and the National Association of REALTORS®. He’s been on Wells Fargo Video, RE/MAX Satellite Network (RSN Live!), NBC, CBS, and Fox. Michael has wowed crowds at many state and regional REALTOR® associations and trained brokerages at all major national franchises as well as independent brokerages. His audiences have included Realtors, mortgage professionals, financial planners, entrepreneurs, doctors, and CEOs.

He, and those who have implemented the system, have found that a business based on generosity leads to reciprocity in the form of referrals, help, and good will far beyond anything they could ever imagine. As Michael says, “It’s a living worth living. It’s a living worth loving.” After sharing this philosophy and system in the International Bestseller (7L) The Seven Levels of Communication: Go from Relationships to Referrals, Michael with no plans for speaking, coaching, or training was instantly inundated with requests to teach the system. Now thousands upon thousands of professionals see him speak, attend his events, and go through these trainings every year.

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