Don’t Do These And Risk Failing In Your Farm

No one ever starts a farm with the expectation that they are going to fail. Just like no one gets into the real estate business with the expectation that they are going to be one of the casualties of this business.

I’m here to bring you some truth. 

Most agents are going to fail at their farm. Especially their first farm. It’s a matter of fact and a matter of pure numbers. I’ve been training agents for years and been in the business for nearly 15 and I can tell you with certainty that I’ve heard more agents tell me they have “tried farming” than have succeeded in farming.

There is some good news and some bad news though.

The bad news is that if you don’t change what you are doing in your farm, odd are you are going to be one of the ones who don’t make it. 

The good news is that there are some very easy to spot mistakes that most agents make and you can avoid them and DRASTICALLY increase your chances of success.

Here are a 5 deadly mistakes I see most agents making in their farms and how you can avoid them:

They Don’t Start Small

I’ve seen it over and over and over and over again. Agents think that if they want to succeed they need to have a HUGE farm. They think that the more homes, the more opportunities, the better they will do. This may seem counterintuitive to many, but the truth is if you don’t know what you are doing in your farm, you are just going to fail on a bigger scale.

One of the mantras I live by is “It’s better to scale up, than to scale back”. Nothing destroys a person’s farm more than starting too big. You will blow through your budget, you won’t be able to handle the amount of work it takes and you won’t have the systems and tools in place to maintain it. So don’t start too big!

They Don’t Budget Correctly

We talked about this recently on our blog. But one of the first things you need to figure out is your budget. Most agents don’t account for time, energy and resources in their budget and don’t realise it takes to make your farm really take off.

Not only do they not budget time, energy and resources, they usually don’t have a strong understanding on what it takes financially to make it work. I’ve had many agents approach me saying they want some strategies that don’t cost any more, that are easy to do and don’t make them comfortable. 

They are looking for a unicorn. And the truth is, those don’t exist.  

Real farming will cost you.

It will cost you time, money, resources or energy.  You can’t have it all and put nothing into it. Unless you are ok with getting zero results. But I don’t know about you, but I’m in it to win it, so be prepared with a proper budget.

They Don’t Get Out Of Their Comfort Zone

As stated above, many agents are looking for some magic pill where they won’t have to do anything. They may be willing to spend some money, or even a LOT of money but aren’t willing to do anything that makes them uncomfortable. This is a recipe for disaster and will not lead you to ultimate success in your farm.

As we’ve talked about many times here at Launch Your Farm, in order to have a balanced business, you need to be willing to invest in the S.C.O.P.E. Method in your farm if you want to see real, long lasting results. That usually requires most agents to get out of their comfort zone at some point. 

If you aren’t uncomfortable, you aren’t growing.

If you aren’t growing, either is your farm!

They Don’t Stay Consistent

Consistency is key! It’s true across most facets of life, but even more so in geographic farming. One of the things I’ve learned from farming myself and from the hundreds of agents I’ve interviewed is that consistency is the key to winning the long term game.

You don’t “try farming” and you don’t occasionally dabble in it. You jump in and you commit. When you commit, you have to understand that you MUST become consistent. That is why it’s so important to start with a farm that you can afford financially and time wise. This means you need to budget for at LEAST a year. Set aside enough money and time to be able to consistently stick with your farm and you’re halfway to success!

They Don’t Do My Training

This may be a bit tongue in cheek, but it’s true! If you don’t know what you are doing in your farm, you are basically relying on either luck or from learning from your own costly mistakes a long the way. 

The GREAT new is that there is a better way. You can learn from my training programs and save yourself thousands of hours, and thousands more in money by learning to implement proven strategies that will help you grow your farm in a more consistent and predictable way.

You can go at it alone, but if you are reading this, chances are you are looking for some ideas and inspiration to get you going, so you’ve come to the right place.

If you’d like more information about our training head over to and click on the “Programs” tab at the top and get started!


The fact you are here reading this means you want to know more and that tells me that you are a lot less likely to fail in your farm. That is great news! Follow these steps above and you can guarantee you will beat out 80% of your competition. If you want to beat the last 20% then definitely consider investing in one of our programs and we can help you take your geographic farm to the next level!

Happy Farming!

Ryan Smith – Founder/Creator

Launch Your Farm

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