Have you heard these farming myths?

If you’ve been in the business for any length of time, you’ve probably heard different things about farming. Some may be true. And probably just as many myths about farming. (Whether you know it or not!)

The thing with this business is we get a lot of information passed on to us from other agents who mean well, but don’t always have the right answers or experience. Many people have “tried” farming, but in most cases they THOUGHT they were farming, but really didn’t know what they were doing. These agents then tell other agents what they think works or doesn’t work, but its usually not based on accurate information. 

myths about farming

This creates more misunderstandings or as I call them “myth-understandings” and it furthers misinformation about the business. There are other factors that cause these, and I cover them in my popular “Top 10 Farming Myths” class I teach, but for the sake of today, I want to cover a few common myths that might be holding you back from farming.

I can’t compete against the competition

I hear it ALL the time… I can’t farm in such and such an area because there is another agent there. The truth is 95% of areas are not farmed, or at least not farmed correctly. Many times agents think there is a dominant agent there simply because they are doing a few deals, but hte truth is most don’t have nearly the market share agents think.

And even if there is an agent who is doing business there, it doesn’t mean you can’t compete. You just need to learn to do things differently, and stay committed to the long haul.

If you aren’t sure about picking the right farm, I strongly suggest you check out our 30 Day Launch program that is designed to help you pick the perfect farm. www.TheFarmLaunch.com 

It’s all about mailing out postcards

This is probably the most common myth I hear. People have this crazy idea that farming is about sending out a bunch of post cards. While that can be a strategy you use in farming, it is not the basis for farming. It was very common in the past, but the reality is that farming is WAY MORE than sending post cards.

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ve heard me talk about C.P.R. (Community, Positioning & Relationships) and you know that the key to any great farm is focusing on the C.P.R.! 

Can you get success from postcard marketing in your farm? Yes!

Do you NEED postcards to have success? NO!

It costs too much to farm

Bad news. It sure can cost a lot of money to farm. 

Great news. It doesn’t have to!

It doesn’t always cost money to farm, but it will cost something. Time, energy, resources and money. You need to decide which of these things you are going to spend if you want to succeed.

While you can spend a lot of money, you don’t have to. If you are getting started in your farm and don’t have a large budget, there are countless strategies that don’t cost you a penny, but you will need to budget your time and energy to ensure they are a hit.

Conclusion – Busting Myths About Farming

There are a ton of other misconceptions about farming, but these are 3 myths you may have heard that could be stopping you from succeeding. If that’s you, put these myths to bed and get working on your farm. Your wallet and your community will thank you!

Happy Farming!

Ryan Smith – Founder/Creator

Launch Your Farm


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